Farewell Hungary - you have not left me hungry
Szia (pronounced seeya and means hello and goodbye in Hungarian and is one of the very few words I have mastered which is ok because Hungarian people are proud that their language is the third hardest to learn)!
Since writing my last post, mum and I have picked up our pace. We were lazily going about visiting the sights knowing we had 7 full days in Budapest. Time starting ticking away from us so we have since been on a walking tour, gone to a hospital in a rock, the terror museum and wandered the city park. Tomorrow is a visit to St Stephens cathedral and a river cruise.
We spent our last day in Budapest at Rudas Baths, one of the oldest baths and from the time of the Ottoman's rule over Hungary. It was less touristy than the two main baths and so we had a little more trouble negotiating entrance and a massage. It was ladies only day and bathing suits were optional... It was an eye opening, or perhaps eye closing, experience. It was more authentic in my opinion because we floated amongst locals and you could smell the minerals in the water vapour. The steam from the steam room flooded the main pools and sometimes it was hard to see the other wall, which added to the atmosphere. I felt like goldilocks as I tested the various pool, too cold, too hot, ahhh just right! The best one was the large octagonal pool under a dome with small rainbow windows letting in filtered light. It was very relaxing. Mum went for her massage first, then me. It wasn't the soundtrack of birds and flutes that we are used to in Perth, mum had the track called "Two Hungarian Women Talking Loudly" and I had "Drilling Through Concrete". Oh well, our muscles enjoyed it (plus our walking pace was very leisurely the rest of the day because we were so relaxed). The attire was interesting in the baths. About a third of the women were naked, a third in bathers and a third in various states of undress. Interestingly the 'modesty aprons' are anything but modest. There are made of thin (and, wait for it..) white cotton so you can imagine what happens to them when they get wet, plus when the woman turns around... hello!?! Why bother in my opinion.
We came home and freshened up and set out for our last evening in Budapest (awww!). We wandered through the shops for a little while trying to burn our leftover Hungarian Forint but couldn't find anything (that we wanted to buy and that would fit in our overfull suitcases). So we changed it into some euro which left us with about 600ft which is about 3 dollars. (I have liked the conversion of HUF to AUD because you remove two zeros and half what's left - I get stuck with the euro because it is about two thirds of our currency and is tricky to convert on the fly). So then we went shopping in the supermarket to get rid of all the unchangeable coin. We bought some (AUD) 30 cent puddings (how can they make it for this price, let alone package and store it???) which taste a lot better than something so cheap should and some crackers and a chocolate bar and still had 30forint left. What clever shoppers we are. Now we need to pray that we haven't overlooked anything left to pay before we fly out to Munich tomorrow at lunchtime.
Tonight we are packing (again! We won't miss that!) and then it will be breakfast, transfer, flight, find our way from the central train station to our hotel (won't miss that either) and convert our language and currency to a different one (or that!). We are getting a little travel weary (which you can probably tell) and I imagine we will go hard for a few hours during the day, have an early tea then relax in the hotel room for much of the later afternoon/evening/night.
Still we are having a wonderful time and talk of home (as in work/responsibilities) has only started to creep into our conversations so we have relaxed a lot. I am feeling better but still have a few sniffles (thanks for the good health wishes and other comments!). Even though we have spent 7 full days here we still leave with a few things undone - I guess that ensures our return at some point. But I am very happy with all we have achieved as well as the relaxing done!
Thanks Budapest for all the memories (and cheap food!). We will miss you! Szia!
Thanks for reading and I hope all is well with you and your families.
Since writing my last post, mum and I have picked up our pace. We were lazily going about visiting the sights knowing we had 7 full days in Budapest. Time starting ticking away from us so we have since been on a walking tour, gone to a hospital in a rock, the terror museum and wandered the city park. Tomorrow is a visit to St Stephens cathedral and a river cruise.
We spent our last day in Budapest at Rudas Baths, one of the oldest baths and from the time of the Ottoman's rule over Hungary. It was less touristy than the two main baths and so we had a little more trouble negotiating entrance and a massage. It was ladies only day and bathing suits were optional... It was an eye opening, or perhaps eye closing, experience. It was more authentic in my opinion because we floated amongst locals and you could smell the minerals in the water vapour. The steam from the steam room flooded the main pools and sometimes it was hard to see the other wall, which added to the atmosphere. I felt like goldilocks as I tested the various pool, too cold, too hot, ahhh just right! The best one was the large octagonal pool under a dome with small rainbow windows letting in filtered light. It was very relaxing. Mum went for her massage first, then me. It wasn't the soundtrack of birds and flutes that we are used to in Perth, mum had the track called "Two Hungarian Women Talking Loudly" and I had "Drilling Through Concrete". Oh well, our muscles enjoyed it (plus our walking pace was very leisurely the rest of the day because we were so relaxed). The attire was interesting in the baths. About a third of the women were naked, a third in bathers and a third in various states of undress. Interestingly the 'modesty aprons' are anything but modest. There are made of thin (and, wait for it..) white cotton so you can imagine what happens to them when they get wet, plus when the woman turns around... hello!?! Why bother in my opinion.
We came home and freshened up and set out for our last evening in Budapest (awww!). We wandered through the shops for a little while trying to burn our leftover Hungarian Forint but couldn't find anything (that we wanted to buy and that would fit in our overfull suitcases). So we changed it into some euro which left us with about 600ft which is about 3 dollars. (I have liked the conversion of HUF to AUD because you remove two zeros and half what's left - I get stuck with the euro because it is about two thirds of our currency and is tricky to convert on the fly). So then we went shopping in the supermarket to get rid of all the unchangeable coin. We bought some (AUD) 30 cent puddings (how can they make it for this price, let alone package and store it???) which taste a lot better than something so cheap should and some crackers and a chocolate bar and still had 30forint left. What clever shoppers we are. Now we need to pray that we haven't overlooked anything left to pay before we fly out to Munich tomorrow at lunchtime.
Tonight we are packing (again! We won't miss that!) and then it will be breakfast, transfer, flight, find our way from the central train station to our hotel (won't miss that either) and convert our language and currency to a different one (or that!). We are getting a little travel weary (which you can probably tell) and I imagine we will go hard for a few hours during the day, have an early tea then relax in the hotel room for much of the later afternoon/evening/night.
Still we are having a wonderful time and talk of home (as in work/responsibilities) has only started to creep into our conversations so we have relaxed a lot. I am feeling better but still have a few sniffles (thanks for the good health wishes and other comments!). Even though we have spent 7 full days here we still leave with a few things undone - I guess that ensures our return at some point. But I am very happy with all we have achieved as well as the relaxing done!
Thanks Budapest for all the memories (and cheap food!). We will miss you! Szia!
Thanks for reading and I hope all is well with you and your families.
Enjoyed sharing the Buapest experience with you Kym love ya
Mum xxxxx
By Anonymous, at 11:27 AM
Sounds just lovely Kymmie. Glad you relaxed so much as it will just be a pleasant dream in a few weeks time. Enjoy Munich, Hx
By Anonymous, at 12:30 AM
I want one of those baths! not sure about the massage - I like our rain forest music :)
Looking forward to hearing about Munchen (?)
By Anonymous, at 4:23 AM
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