Taking the Scenic Route

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

London baby!!

Greetings from Covent Garden in London.
I'm having a great time and have been flat out sightseeing (hence the first blog being my last day in England). Cambridge was beautiful, very pretty and the old Colleges were awesome. My whole family and I walked many miles that day (and practically every one since) seeing Kings College and then went through St John's College (where William Wilberforce went - which I just studied with my year 4 class [if your reading this year 4's - HI] and with some info in the National Maritime museum in London gave me further insight and info on the slave trade which was facinating). The flight over wasn't as bad as I'd thought since I took a sleeping tablet and so got about 6 hours in total. Most of the family didn't sleep as well and were wasted by the time we got to Cambridge. I'll list a few sites I've seen in case you want to google them:
Bridge of Sighs in St John's College
Battle of Britain airshow in Duxford
Typical sights in London (London Bridge, Big Ben Tower, Parliament, Churchill's War rooms - which was very interesting, Greenwich Observatory and meridan line, Old Operating Theatre and museum, Thames walk, and so many other interesting sites)

Tomorrow I'm off to Budapest, Hungary. I'll be travelling most of the day and will arrive at night. I imagine I'll find my accommodation and and eat then sleep. I'll probably blog some more while I'm there as a means of contact (as being with family means they are my social circle) I brought along a diary and haven't written in that either which I'm sure I'll do more once travelling alone.

I must go as I need to meet up with my family so they can go to a show (Godfrey's to Lion King and mum and dad to Chicago on the west end). I'm taking Tanner home and babysitting him as he's too little to stay up that late and enjoy the show. It's going to be tricky getting back to the accommodation since the London Tube is on strike and only has very, very limited train services. Oh well, on holiday you've got to go with the flow.
I hope you are all well and happy and healthy.
Talk to you again from Budapest.


  • Hi Kym,
    Glad your having a great time. You sound very busy so all that planning has paid off. Everything is fine here. Fridays sports day went well red won. I'm wondering are you are going to make our lunch date today? LOL Love Carolyn

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:17 PM  

  • Mmmm you didn't wait a whole year before doing the next post. you managed to get in 3 days early.... glad all is going well so far.
    luv Rochelle

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:39 PM  

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